"HIAL is a collaborative exercise between learners and facilitators,
and aims to inspire the seekers of knowledge to explore both outside
and within themselves. Instead of solving problems with the
conventional 3Rs (Reading, wRiting, and aRithmentic), we encourage
learners to problem solve using the 3Hs: Bright Head, Kind Heart, and
Skilled Hands."
~ Sonam Wangchuk, Founding Director
Sonam Wangchuk, Founding Director
Message From Gitanjili
"The secrets of your splendor are not concealed in the lines of your
fate, nor are they hidden in the wiring of your DNA. They exist firmly
and definitely, in the infinite potential of your soul. Flowering of
these, through unending education, is the sublime aim of life and its
rare privilege!"
~ Gitanjali JB, Co-Founder & CEO