3R TO 3H:

“HIAL is a collaborative exercise between learners and facilitators, and aims to inspire the seekers of knowledge to explore both outside and within themselves. Instead of solving problems with the conventional 3Rs (Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic), we encourage learners to problem solve using the 3Hs: Bright Head, Kind Heart, and Skilled Hands.”
Sonam Wangchuk | Founder & Director, HIAL


”The secrets of your splendour are not concealed in the lines of your fate, nor are they hidden in the wiring of your DNA. They exist firmly and definitely, in the infinite potential of your soul. Flowering of these, through unending education, is the sublime aim of life and its rare privilege!
Gitanjali J B | Co-Founder & CEO


HIAL Conceptual Model
4 key pillars


Well-planned and uniquely assessed experiential learning programs stimulate intellectual curiosity, reflection, compassion, creativity and skilfulness. Therefore, HIAL encourages learner development through Live Learning Labs that supplement the traditional academic setting. These opportunities instil qualities of leadership, cultural awareness, and entrepreneurship.


HIAL is building a network of collaborative partners that support its efforts in research, teaching, and exchange programs. Guest lectures by visiting faculty and industry experts is facilitated on a regular basis and learner-facilitator collaborations are encouraged. Programs are designed to create a space for learners where they share and reflect on their experiences.


Research and innovation drives every aspect of HIAL. Learners of all academic levels are encouraged to undertake research and creative endeavours in collaboration with facilitators. These projects encourage free thinking and help in evolving solutions to address some of the key challenges experienced by mountain communities.


1. Holistic & Integral Education

The current pace of global development renders insufficient the 3Rs (Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic) and necessitates the need for 3Hs, (Head, Hands & Heart).

2. Contextual Education

Context is defined by nearness in space, time, and experience of the surrounding environment. Contextual space is a student’s actual environment. Time relates to the prevailing thinking or global world view, which, today, is ‘scientific-technological.’ Experience encompasses native language and indigenous wisdom. Curricula relating to the student’s context catalyses their ability to abstract knowledge and apply it to other contexts.

3. Experiential Learning

Research and innovation drives every aspect of HIAL. Learners of all academic levels are encouraged to undertake research and creative endeavours in collaboration with facilitators. These projects encourage free thinking and help in evolving solutions to address some of the key challenges experienced by mountain communities.

4. Trans-Disciplinary

Reality is composite and should be a problem-solving approach, the cornerstone of education be.